It has been announced recently by a rare joint meeting of the Federal Ministers of The Environment, Finance, Small and Large Industry and Aboriginal Affairs, that there is to be a pipeline built to every Province in Canada and every State in the United States. All of these pipelines will be 'feeder' lines off the main line which will run from the Oil Sands to Texas.
"We can now divulge that the Alberta Oil Sands has such a large reserve of oil that it is uncertain if it will ever run out," said the Min of Small and Large Business. He did not refer to the phenomenal quantities of water and natural gas that will be needed to produce the oil.
The Min of the Environment stated that the main reason for these new 'feeder' lines, was so that the government of both America and Canada no longer have to concern themselves with the effects of off-shore drilling and the destruction to the environment that could happen from that activity.
"It is so much easier to clean up a spill on the land than out at sea," he concluded.
Initial reaction to this announcement has been mixed. The Chinese who own a large share of the Oil Sands are ecstatic; whilst certain large oil companies who have been investing heavily in off-shore technologies and applying for seabed concessions in the Arctic are even now preparing law suits against the American and Canadian governments in the hope that they can reap a large amount of compensation from them.
When asked about the possibility of the Russians drilling in the Arctic, the Min of Aboriginal Affairs said that he would deal with that problem as and when it arose, but as it was only the Eskimo nations who would be affected, he didn't feel that it was a priority.